This is NOT your average shark simulator game!
If you are a big fan of 3D animal simulator games, then you have to check out the 2018 version of this popular genre! The evolution of this type of game has reached total cRaziNess!! Not only can you take control of the fiercest sea animal to swim in the ocean as either a great white, hammerhead, or megalodon, but you can also look for hidden treasure, sunken ships and you can go one step further and wreck havoc on land! That's right! With this simulation game, you can jump out of the ocean and attack people on land! Moreover, there are a TON of secret power ups and hidden game modes to unlock! This is truly the absolute ultimate shark simulation game!!
Check these out:
1. Jet pack - Pick up a jet pack and your shark will fly!
2. Shark Tornado - You've seen those angry shark movies with tornadoes right? Now you can re-create your own version and fly around inside the tornado and attack everyone!
3. Space Shark - Yes! There is a secret powerup where your sharks pick up a jetpack, then fly up to the International Space Station! Just wait until you see what your shark does when it's up terrorizing everyone on the ISS! It's the next step in the evolution of SIM games! No longer are you stuck on land or water. ** Update! lots of you are asking about how to unlock this. Here is a clue. You have to first get the jetpack power up and use it to fly your shark towards the volcano. Good luck! :)
4. Lasers!! - Pick up a laser beam and ZAP everyone into oblivion.
Those are just a few of the fun power-ups you will find. Here are a few other fun things you will be able to do with this simulator game.
1. Ride a jet ski! Yes, you can steal a jet ski and go for a ride!
2. Fight a goat! That's right in this free 3D simulation game, you will get to go head on with a goat and find out who is stronger!
3. Trampoline time! Find out how high your sharks can jump on a trampoline!
4. Slides! You are going to love sliding down huge slides.
5. Attack people in boats! Remember, you are not any ordinary big fish!
6. Swim underwater! What will you find? Hidden treasure? or just a lot of fish food? :)
7. Much much more!
Here are a few other features:
1. The great white shark is unlocked! All other hungry sharks (Hammerhead, & Megalodon) can be unlocked for free by simply watching a video!
2. The 'Everyone' game mode (safe for kids) is unlocked. Other games modes such as 17+ (blood and guts version) and Fun mode can be unlocked for free by watching a video.
3. Super 3D graphics with a realistic world to explore!
If you are a big fan of the world of free 3D simulator games and would like to play the clear-cut leader in the evolution of this genre, then you will not be disappointed with this one!
** Please note: The 17+ mode should not be played by anyone under 17, due to the extreme amount of violence. How extreme? We are talking about flying body parts! Hey, a shark has to eat!!
1.喷气包 - 拿起喷气背包和你的鲨鱼都会飞!
2.鲨鱼龙卷风 - 你见过用龙卷风右那些愤怒的鲨鱼电影吗?现在,您可以重新创建你自己的版本,并绕飞龙卷风和攻击每个人都在里面!
3.空间鲨鱼 - 是的!有一个秘密通电您的鲨鱼拿起喷气背包,然后飞到国际空间站!只是等待,直到你看到的鲨鱼做什么时,它的最高恐吓在国际空间站上大家!这是在SIM游戏进化的下一步!你不再停留在陆地或水。 **更新!大量的则是问有关如何解开这个。这是一个线索。你必须首先得到Jetpack的动力和使用它飞到你的鲨鱼朝火山。祝你好运! :)
4.激光! - 拿起激光束和ZAP大家遗忘。
6.在水下游泳!你会发现?宝藏?或只是很多的鱼食? :)